Crime Prevention and Justice
Few things are more corrosive to the American Dream than pervasive crime. High crime rates destroy lives. They also undermine education, the sense of community, job opportunities and food security. Governments – city state and federal – have made too many policy mistakes in recent years, leading to increased crime, violence and death – especially in minority communities. We must:
- Undo the damage from “defunding” the police and eliminating cash bail
- Restore effective and fair police protection and crime prevention
- Have an honest discussion about policing across America
- Root causes – Address the procedural and societal issues that lead to bad policing outcomes
- Gangs – Break these criminal enterprises but also create avenues of escape for young people who want to transition back to a normal, non-gang life.
Read Paul’s op-ed on Ending Our Gun Violence Epidemic.

Shayma and Jayjon: Youngsters whose promising lives were cut short by gun violence.