hear / see Paul in action
As an honest problem-solver and fellow citizen, Paul King is willing to answer all questions (even if the answer is «I do not know) and make clear his ideas and his priorities. Look below for interviews, podcasts and speeches.
Why am I Running for Congress?
To protect the American Dream for future generations.
2024 Message and Call to Action
As a critical year begins, my message or hope and urgency.
Announcing My 2024 Run
Letting the world know on WABC’s iconic Sid & Friends.
Flooding – Three Necessary Actions
How I’d reduce the risks of property damage and loss of life.
Peace March – Stop the Gun Violence
Makng a statement in the community on Sutphin Blvd.
Green Energy Follies
Intro to position paper: The New Electrocution
September 11 – We Remember
Honoring the heroism and recommiting to United We Stand.
Student Loan Disgrace
Robbing future generations to buy votes today.
Richmond Hill
Concerned about their children and the future.
Compliment from a Hero
Bryan Stern digs Paul.
Edgemere – An Important Community
Dreaming against the government tide
Gateway – A Neglected Jewel
My promise to restore our National Recreation Area.