Video of the Week
The American Dream –the opportunity to create a better life for yourself and your children– is our birthright. That Dream is under attack.
Out-of-touch politicians don’t know how to fix our problems. I do. Elect me to represent you –and your family– in Congress.

My Mission
Confront America’s two big problems, so that my generation restores the American Dream for our children and grandchildren.
- Fix the systems of opportunity so that every citizen has a fair shot at a good life.
- Breakthrough the us vs. them, black vs. white thinking that keeps politicians in power but exacerbates the problems of everyday Americans.
About Paul
Paul King is a man who is respected by neighbors in Queens and peers around the globe. He understands that our country is not perfect but as a professional problem solver he knows we can create a more perfect union by working together — across racial and political divides– and living up to our American ideals.

Plans that Matter for Your Family
Paul isn’t just “against the other party.” He has actionable plans to fix the system and assure opportunity, personal security, and a good quality of life for all American families. A fair chance to “pursue happiness” is the birthright of every American.

Join the Team!
Time and money are the life blood of an effective campaign. That makes volunteers and donors invaluable. Help us change the course of our country and create a better world for our children. Bring your skills to the fight!